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Preparing for climate change in Wyre


Droughts are slow and prolonged periods of dry weather that can lead to water shortages, crop failure and wildfires. 

How do droughts affect Wyre?

Climate change is causing global temperatures to rise, increasing the likelihood of the UK experiencing hotter and drier summers. This has multiple impacts on water shortages, agriculture and livestock, our health, and local wildlife. 

Whilst Wyre is lucky to be surrounded by a variety of habitats that support water storage, Wyre is not free from the risks of drought. Our moorland is at particular risk of wildfires, endangering wildlife and humans alike. Our local farming communities are also affected during a drought, as well as our food supplies that may be affected from droughts elsewhere around the world. 

Preparing for droughts and water shortages

Fresh water is a finite resource, so it's important to conserve as much water as possible. Some useful tips for conserving water include:

  • Installing a water butt attached to a drainpipe to harvest rainwater for your plants or washing your car
  • Shortening your showers – the average UK shower lasts for 8 minutes, using about 62 litres of water, or twice this if it is a power shower
  • Fitting water saving devices, like a low flow shower head or a toilet cistern bag - check if your water company offers free water-saving devices
  • Fixing dripping taps by replacing washers – a dripping tap can waste more than 60 litres a week, and thousands in a year
  • Checking all plumbing for leaks and getting a plumber to repair any leaks
  • Using a washing up bowl to save water when washing up, and using a dishwasher only when it's full 
  • Planting native and/or drought-tolerant plants and shrubs that won't need as much watering, and group plants together based on their watering needs
  • Choosing appliances that are more energy and water efficient
  • Insulating water pipes to reduce heat loss and prevent them from breaking

Visit United Utilities for more water saving tips.

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