A Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) is extra money that you may be able to claim to help you pay:
- rent - when Housing Benefit (HB) does not meet the full rent
- lump sum costs associated with a housing need, for example removal costs
- rent arrrears
- rent in advance
- bonds and deposits
To be eligible to claim you must be in receipt of Housing Benefit from Wyre Council or the housing costs element of Universal Credit and living in the Wyre area. We cannot help with some parts of your rent, for instance if meals, heating, lighting, hot water or water rates are included.
You will be notified in writing if this application is successful. Please do not move in or sign a tenancy agreement until you have received this confirmation as payment will not be made.
If you are applying for Bond and / or Rent in Advance, please ask the Landlord or Letting agent to complete the Landlord form.
If you are applying for Removals, please ask the Removals company to complete the Removals form.
We can only award you a DHP if we believe that your circumstances call for further financial help. Each case is assessed on its individual merits. Your finances and personal circumstances, and those of the other people living with you are taken into account when making our decision.
You can find more information about the qualifying conditions for a DHP award by reading our DHP policy.
Any DHP award's we make are usually for a limited period to allow the person receiving the award to take steps to improve their financial situation, for example, by seeking debt advice, or by reducing their rent by moving to a more affordable property. The DHP fund is cash-limited. This means we only have a limited amount of money. Once the fund has been used further DHP's cannot be awarded.