Planning enforcement is the investigation of alleged breaches of planning control. Where a breach of planning control is identified, the aim is to resolve these using the most appropriate action. Wyre Council is responsible for enforcing control for all planning matters other than matters relating to minerals or waste disposal which are the responsibility of Lancashire County Council.
If building or other work is carried out, or where the use of land or buildings is changed without the benefit of planning permission or other appropriate consent, this is a breach of planning control and it may be appropriate for us to take action against the developer or property owner to secure remediation to prevent any resultant harm.
The council employs enforcement officers based in the Development Management team. They investigate cases in accordance with the planning enforcement policy, from receipt of a complaint, through to the closure of the case, including service of any formal notices, appeals, and court action. Additional legal support is provided by the council’s legal team.
How to make a complaint
Anyone can make a complaint about an alleged unauthorised development or use. When making a complaint, the council will ask for the following information to be provided:
- The precise location of the site or property to which the complaint relates
- The exact nature of concern, for example the alleged breach of planning control
- An indication of any harm caused/being caused
- The name, address and contact telephone number of the person making the complaint. All complainants details will be treated in strict confidence and will not be made known to the public or any person who has an interest in the land or building which is the subject of the complaint
- If possible, the identity of the person/organisation responsible for the breach and the date and/or time the breach began
Complaints can be made using our form:
You can also contact the council in writing using the address at the bottom of the page. All complaints will be treated in confidence - your details will not be published.
Except in special circumstances, the council will not act on anonymous complaints.
Enforcement register
Enforcement notices can be viewed in the enforcement register
To search for a notice type the address in the search bar.