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Calling all Wyre businesses! Don’t miss the free Business support events this April!

Boasting over 800 members, Wyred Up is Wyre’s free business support network for businesses and organisations located in Wyre, or who contribute to Wyre’s economy.

Membership includes access to quarterly business networking events, each focused around a specific theme. Attendees can learn best practice from business experts and network with other local businesses across the borough.

There’s lots of other benefits for businesses to enjoy with a Wyred Up membership, including discounts on local training, discounted advertising packages with local radio stations, free passes for Shout meeting facilities and more!

April’s event will focus on the Tourism & Visitor Economy, which is all about attracting visitors and the infrastructure and services that support their visit. The event is on Thursday 25 April at the Flowerbowl Entertainment Centre, Garstang Rd, Preston. There is a 4.30pm start for teas, coffees and networking, and guest speakers from 5pm.

Expert speakers include, Vikki Harris, Marketing & Partnership Director from Marketing Lancashire, Dr. David Jarratt, Senior lecturer in Tourism and Event Management programmes at University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN) and local business Glazey Days, who are still basking in the glory of Winning the Social Media Award at the 2023 Wyre Business Awards. David will explore sense of place and tourism and Vikki will be talking about the value of the visitor economy, attracting visitors, recruiting talent and securing investment.

Wyred Up members can also get help in accessing government grants, secure preferential rates for training, and take advantage of business support services including the free Boost Masterclass sessions.

The next Boost Flying Start Masterclass session in April is completely free and will be led by experienced Flying Start Business Adviser Alistair Clark on Wednesday 24 April at the Civic Centre, Poulton between 2pm to 4.30pm.

Unlock the secrets of social media marketing with this non-jargon masterclass! Join us and gain a good working knowledge of the strategies that drive engagement and elevate your new business. Dive into the art of digital marketing and transform your brand's online presence. From content creation to understanding how customers react to marketing, this workshop will improve your digital skills and help stay ahead of your competitors. This session is designed to demystify marketing strategies, helping you navigate the digital landscape with confidence to gain a comprehensive understanding of digital marketing strategies.

Register for Wyred Up’s April events. It’s free, quick and easy to join, simply email or call 01253 887261 to chat to one of the team. You can find out more information and sign up to our monthly newsletter, by visiting the Wyred Up website.

Published: 17th April 2024

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